Tuesday, March 9, 2010
15 Mompreneurs to Follow on Twitter!
Are you looking for some great and inspiring women to follow on twitter? Here is my Top 15 list of Powerful Mompreneurs on Twitter you should be following:
@mombizcoach - Forbes Top 30 Women Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter; mompreneur coach helping moms create businesses they (& their families) truly love!
@shiketamorgan - Wife, Mom, Entrepreneur, Writer and Blogger. I Love to inspire, empower and help others Succeed!... All things are Possible if You Just believe
@inspiringmoms - Happy Mom of seven, Mom and Family expert , founder of inspiring Moms to help you love being a mom. A must for modern moms!
@Thetamom - Ivy League Graduate. Writer, Blogger, Former teacher turned WAHM with my 2 kids turned Theta Mom.
@PartyPlanDivas - The Party Plan Coach, working with women worldwide to succeed in their Party Plan Business!
@WAHMSociety – Tweets about great resources for work at home moms.
@WAHM_Chatter - Educating Moms & Women in Business
@WAHMtweets - The best of WAHM tweets to help work at home moms succeed
@lakeishah - CEO, Mom Preneur, Diva of The Night, Wife, Mother, Sister & Friend. Network Marketing Freak and Founder of Work At Home Divas!
@BeautyAndScents - I am a Wife, Mom, Friend, Entrepreneur, love to laugh, enjoy crafts and Love meeting new people!
@JackieUlmer - Direct Sales Success Coach – goals; action plan/steps; Online Social Media Tips. Life/Biz is about fun! Mom, foodie, wine, travel junkie!
@DivaCafe - Creator of DivaCafe- a Ladies Social Networking Community. Connecting and promoting Women in Business!
@kidsbestlife - The Missing Secret to Parenting: Mom, grandmom, and author dedicated to bringing the law of attraction to kids to enable them to create their best life.
@evelynwrites – Freelance Writer, blogger, social media fanatic, vegetarian, knitter, yoga lover, chocoholic extraordinaire
@TheCEOMamma - Teaching women entrepreneurs on a limited budget, how to build a profitable business online by effectively utilizing social media and network marketing.
Want to add your favorites to the list? Share them with us in the comment section below. Don't forget to retweet this post to spread the word!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Learn While You Earn ~ Just for Moms!
If you are a women entrepreneur or a work at home mom, it is imperative to your business success for you to learn how to utilize Internet Marketing and make it work for you. Learning how to market yourself and your business on the internet will not only help you jumpstart your business success but it will help you generate exposure and can provide you with additional opportunities as well.
With the ever evolving internet marketing strategies available online, it can sometimes be difficult to always know what the latest trends are. In order to stay on top of these things, we have to continuously work on educating ourselves if we desire to stay in the game. There are a variety of resources and training material available to you online but it can sometimes be difficult to know if your are getting the best information.
Being a women entrepreneur and work at home mom, I know how important it is to be able to trust that the resources I use, are going to be viable tools to meet my needs and are designed to help me reach my marketing goals. These are some of the things you should consider for your business as well. (Visit Mom2Mom Network to read full details)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Social Media Tools For Your Business - The Six Essentials
1. A Blog of Your Own
The backbone of the Social Web is RSS feeds. A blog is an RSS feed and you want your own to publish to the Social Web. Publishing a blog lets you benefit from the exposure in the many RSS feed directories that distributes your blog without you having to re-post it one at a time.
But just starting a blog is not enough. Optimization is key to keeping your blog on the radar. Update regularly with fresh and engaging work and integrate your RSS feed into your other social media tools.
WordPress.com, Blogger, and Typepad offer free or nearly free RSS feeds. You also can install one on your site from WordPress.org.
2. Get a Facebook Presence
Most people do not know that there are two Facebook options: a Facebook profile and a Facebook page.
The Facebook profile is for a key representative of the business, not the business itself.
Be sure to optimize your Facebook profile by filling it out thoroughly with content that contains key terms relevant to you and your business. Integrate your blog and other social tools by importing them into your Facebook feed.
The Facebook page is for your business, be that a service or product, a local business, or as an artist/musician/writer.
Your Facebook page may be the only chance you get to pull in potential customers. Here are a few Facebook applications you can add to your page to accomplish this:
- Social RSS imports RSS feeds or blog entries
MyFlickr imports images from a Flickr account
YouTube Box lets you add video clips to your Facebook page
ShopTab is a great application for selling products, though there is a small monthly fee
Static FBML allows you to place HTML code onto your page
Causes is a great way to accept donations for a nonprofit business
3. Are you LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a professional networking site. It is an essential tool for business - especially if you do B2B.
Your LinkedIn profile may be someone's first impression of your business, so be sure to optimize it. Fill in every section of your profile using edited content and key terms.
Add applications that enhance your profile - especially the BlogLink application that imports your blog entries. Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your business.
4. Yes, Twitter
Twitter is a micro-blogging tool, limited to 140 characters per entry, that is nonetheless a great social networking tool that allows users to interact in "real-time." While Twitter is a great way to spread the word about events, products, and services, you want to use it in addition to your blog, not instead of it.
Keep your "tweets" fresh and frequent. TweetDeck or HootSuite help with this. These tools let you post-date your tweets so you can enter lots of tweets with one session. HootSuite also has an option so you can import your blog posts as tweets.
Use Twitter lists for managing all the people you are following.
5. A Flickr Account for Your Photos
Flickr is a media community used to upload and share photos and other images. This tool is underrated, as you can get excellent exposure and enhanced search engine placement if you use it keeping search criteria in mind.
When you add an image to Flickr, be sure to rename the file with a few key terms relevant to the image and to your business. Include those same key terms as tags and within the image's description.
Integrate your Flickr account with other social tools and add them as galleries to your Website or blog.
6. Focus in on a YouTube Account
Ah, the power of viral video is indisputable. If your business makes videos of any sort, get them on YouTube. Even if you don't make videos, you can still benefit from YouTube's popularity by creating playlists and commenting on other videos.
Whether it's your own video clips or a playlist, import them into your other social sites or embed a video gallery onto your Website or blog.
Use the same naming strategy as for images: Use your key terms in file names, tags, and descriptions of the clips you add to these communities.
Here is a presentation on how to create a realistic beginning social media strategy for your business.
No matter which tools you choose to implement, remember that the Social Web is about interaction. Join and start conversations whenever you can.
Here's to your success in the Social Web!
Deltina Hay has been doing Web development and programming for over 25 years, She is the principal of SocialMediaPower, and founder of the new social media Website service, http://www.PlumbSocial.com. Ms. Hay's graduate education in computer science, applied mathematics, and psychology led her naturally to social media consulting. Her latest book, A Survival Guide to Social Media and Web 2.0 Optimization, can be found anywhere books are sold.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deltina_Hay
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Profit with Commission River

Affiliate Marketing is simply a form of marketing in which you are paid a percentage of the sales generated from the visitors you send to the company website. Your role is to promote your free company provided website and get people to click on your links and banners driving traffic to the company website. It’s easy to start up because there are no out of pocket expenses and you can be up and running in no time.
Recently, I came across an affiliate program with Commission River (formally Congnigen). They are a provider of low cost telecom and internet services and were founded in 2005. What I found to be very appealing is that whether you are experienced in telecommunications or not, you can partner with Commission River and still take full advantage of the income potential this multi-billion dollar industry offers.
Why I feel this is a great business venture for moms?
As a mom, working from home gives us the freedom to generate an income while still providing complete care to the needs of our family. Commission River supplies state-of-the art marketing tools and training to help you build a profitable business online. They provide a generous and rewarding compensation plan, residual income and override benefits. You are provided with your own website, online reporting and all for free!
If you are a mom considering a work at home business, learn more about Commission River and their products to see how partnering with them will help you establish a real income producing business from home.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Is Your Target Market Work at Home Moms?
Here is a list of 5 great resources to help you find or market products for moms.
Mom2Mom Network – You can add your business to the Business Directory for free if you are a member and add your banner in the Marketplace. If you are looking for a business to start, you can begin your search here.
Mom Audience – Another great place to reach moms. A place where moms can showcase their businesses, blogs, products, deals, events, giveaways, contests, causes, interests, and employment needs - for free!
Moms Talk Radio – Reach over 25000 work at home moms! This is paid advertising but you will reach a large audience.
USAWAHM - List your WAHM Product or Service in our State by State Listing and
our Category Listing for only $10.00. (free state listing with every category listing)! USAWAHM only accepts family friendly listings and reserves the right to refuse any listing!
The WAHM Shack - Is devoted to supporting and promoting work-at-home moms by providing free and low cost advertising, resource directory, business opportunities, article directory with FREE WAHM Articles for Reprint, Forum, Link Exchange and more.